PCVs Evacuate - #1

As of today, Thursday, April 16 (I try to write my blog posts on Thursdays), I am have been back in the United States for a month with the first 14 days staying quarantined as was highly recommended by Peace Corps upon our return stateside. I had promised a post about the wedding I attended on May 7 and it will be forthcoming, but I thought I might share with you my experience as an IS/EVAC/COS (oh, those acronyms!) Peace Corps Response Volunteer from the Teacher Training College (TTC) in Kabarore, Rwanda. This may take a few weeks to finish and since I am not in Rwanda any longer, I will share some of the photos that an acquaintance is taking in this stunningly beautiful country. (@jonkmania) One of the highlights of my teaching at TTC was teaching an English Communications class. The teacher was so kind and gentle and he suggested that we use topics provided by the Rwanda Education Board (REB). For the first couple of classes, we did just th...