Heroes Day

Last Saturday, the nation of Rwanda celebrated Heroes Day.  If you read the history of the nation of Rwanda, you will note that there have been a number of strifes over the years.  Hence there are many heroes to be recognized.  This day commemorates the many Rwandans who have served others and most importantly have lost their lives for the sake of others.

My Principal, Joseph, invited me to join the community and although I was not required to do so, I wanted to be a part of the festivities.

Little did I know that the festivities included being awakened at 5:30 in the AM by the 400 students for "sports".  The basketball court is right outside my front door so there was no way that I could not hear them.  I decided to join in since I already had my yoga clothes on.  In fact, it was a series of stretches very similar to those which I practice every morning.  It was a great workout for me...and for them.

At 10 AM, the community gathered for a celebration that lasted for three hours.  Since I understand very little Kinyarwanda, I chose to sit in the back.  I so loved staring at the beautiful babies on the backs of women dressed in colorful "igitenge".  Towards the end of the event, the Principal asked me to come to the front so that he could introduce me to the community and so that he could explain to me the spirit of the event.  As we closed the celebration, we all shared a piece of maize followed by traditional song and dance.

"The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U. S. Government, the Peace Corps, nor the Rwandan Government."


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