Interesting products

Whenever I visit another country, I am always quite amused by some of the advertising of products that are available.  Here are a few from Rwanda that have made me giggle.

In the native Kinyarwanda language, "r"s and "l"s are often pronounced identically. In truth I think that there is a bit of a difference but it is slight.  In class, I try to get my students to speak English as often as possible, and when I ask them what they did over the weekend, they respond that they "played".  It has taken me some time to figure out that what they meant to say is that they "prayed".  Given this explanation, can you guess what this sign is referring to?

Rwanda has fabulous coffee.  Truly, it is strong and delicious.  For the most part, the locals, however, do not drink coffee.  They prefer tea - which is also fabulous in Rwanda.  From what I understand, coffee is for export and is too expensive.  I love coffee!  And even though it is a bit difficult for me to find, and certainly outside of my Peace Corps budget, I enjoy a cup every morning.  I am told that this is the brand that is most often purchased in country.  Note the flavor!  No wonder!

Malaria is endemic in Rwanda.  Have no fear; I take malarone daily and sleep with a mosquito net every night.  I was advised by one of my co-teachers that Rwandas use this product pictured here below, namely the "Cock Brand Electric Mosquito Repelling Device".  Note that the packaging for the mats.  Funny!

"The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U. S. Government, the Peace Corps, nor the Rwandan Government."


  1. Marybeth, very funny observations, and that's what I love about travel. Keep writing. Sonia.

  2. Okay then...

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