
I loved going to the market in Fayetteville, AR to get my weekly regimen of the apples that were available.  There was an apple kiosk with apples only and all of the people knew that I eat apples every day with peanut butter. AND I MEAN EVERY DAY!  I so loved how the young woman there told me which apple was the best one for the season. But now I am Kigali, Rwanda, where apples are rare and are a luxury.  When I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Lesotho, I was told by the PCMO (Peace Corps Medical Officer) to eat apples to be able to move things through my digestive system...., but I have no issues at all.

But I LOVE APPLES. And they are not easily found here.

There are, however, other wonderful fruits to enjoy including bananas, pineapples, etc.  I have yet to go to the local market, but I look forward to what I can find.

"The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U. S. Government, the Peace Corps, nor the Rwandan Government."


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