Teacher Training College at TTC

It has been exactly one week since I have been at my site in Kabarore, Rwanda.  It is in the Eastern part of the country near the Akagera National Park.  I am living on the campus of a high school boarding school which was not really what I had envisioned, but I am making the most of it.  The school has provided me with a very spacious house on campus and I spend most of my time in one little room in the middle.  There is a basketball court right outside my front door and much activity at the back of the house so I just stay in the middle.

I have just finished my very first week teaching at the school.  It has been a bit confusing as the teachers expected me to "teach" and I had no idea of the curriculum nor the style of teaching.  They are so very kind and understanding that we have spent the week organizing the material so that we "co-teach" in an effective manner.  I am quite exhausted at the end of the day since the day begins at 7:20 AM and ends at 5:00 PM.  After that, the students all clean the campus.  Then they begin their sports.

The first two photos are the view from my room and the second are panoramic views of my village, Kabarore.

"The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U. S. Government, the Peace Corps, nor the Rwandan Government."


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