Arrival in Kigali

These two young girls met their family members with beautiful flowers.  Beautiful bouquets are found everywhere and it is a cultural tradition to greet someone with a bouquet.

It is January 15 today and I have been in Rwanda for exactly two days.  Yet we have had two full days of language and culture training.  The Program Manager feels that it is best to "throw us in" as we eventually settle into the sleep schedule and daily routine.  I can tell you that I slept very little last night as I was told to drink a LOT of water during the day, was versed on issues with malaria, had to get up more times that I had wanted because of all of the water that I had consumed and I could not get my mosquito net back in an orderly fashion for solid sleep.  Oh, the joys of the nightly predatory life of a mosquito dictating my sleep habits!

“The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, nor the Rwanda Government.”


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